Elders Action Network Sacred Listening Workshop

1 April 2024

On Friday, March 15, 2024, Daniel Epstein led a special Sacred Listening Workshop for the Elders Action Network, whose mission is: “Building a movement of elders to address the social, environmental, and governance crises of our time.”

Daniel was introduced to the Elders Action Network by Libby Taubman, a famed leader with her late husband, Len Taubman, of the breakthrough Living Room Dialogues of Jews & Palestinians in San Mateo, California.

Participants had these anonymous comments to share:

“I will say I was touched by the wonderful visual meditation of photos of people and WISH TO LINGER ANOTHER SECOND on EACH FACE/person to take them IN more deeply. It was really useful to have the sharing of the filming of what other people answered to the questions you posed for the breakout rooms. That was like a priming of the pump and opened one’s heart to reflect more deeply and engage with the questions. It helped that your workshop was SOOO well organized, thought out and delivered. We could easily focus on these questions you asked.”

“I felt this helped me to drop down into a deeper connection with Life and Spirit and I felt relaxed during it. There are people in the world also reflecting about life and engaged in their spiritual journey. I wish life were different in these times so that I felt that I had time to BE WITH sacred listening more. I do try to listen to Nature somewhat and it seems that’s a dimension that could be included here....what are people hearing from sacred listening with nature?”

“Something about the meditation with the beautiful portraits accompanied by the moving music made for a very powerful and unexpected emotional response. It actually brought me to tears.”    

Portraits in Faith Sacred Listening workshops are available to communities who would like to gather with other communities to explore each others’ journeys and dispel notions of the “other.”