2020 in Review: Portraits in Faith Rocks YouTube Stats

31 December 2020

We are proud to report that in 2020 you all, our community of support, spent over 988,633 minutes watching Portraits in Faith on YouTube. You also viewed our videos over 70,000 times last year, and 704 more of you became subscribers.  Portraits in Faith has always been about connection. What started with me connecting to the stories of faith with people around the world became a wider community once we began sharing the portraits and interviews seven years ago. Today, I am often in wonder by the growing community who is now connecting with the portraits, and even with one another, from across the world. While many of us have been stuck at home, it is heartwarming to know that we found solace together in Portraits in Faith. I look forward to continuing the journey with you in 2021, where we have some surprises in store for you.