Celebrating Portraits in Faith's 4th Parliament of the World’s Religions

9 January 2024

Portraits in Faith was excited to be part of its fourth Parliament of the World’s Religions recently in Chicago. This year, PIF partnered with the Charter for Compassion in creating a contemplative space at the parliament for heart, head, body, and soul. Each of these four spaces was a large 20 foot diameter yurt decorated on the outside by 60 foot banners of PIF portraits. It was a powerful visual example of what contemplation can bring to us as individuals. Our PIF booth, led by founder Daniel Epstein, in the exhibition hall enabled us to engage many organizations for potential partnerships and to sell over 30 books. Thank you to Petra Kovacs (graphic designer), Laura Friedman (producer/editor), Penny Scudder (business manager), and Gina Alicea (curator) for the amazing effort and teamwork to pull this together.